Schlagwort: Homemade

How to make Curd Soap: Part 3 and Recipes

Hi gals (and guys)! This blog post will give you a couple of tipps on what do to with curd soap, which I’ve shown you how to make in this post. How to mold and cut Curd Soap:       Recipes: I’ve collected a couple of recipes on what to use curd soap for.. I’ll tried them and really like them. So I’ll share them with you! Liquid Laundry Detergent about 1 litre of destilled water, boiling 80g grated curd soap 50g washing soda Dissolve soda and soap in boiling water. Let it cool down and fill into bottle […]

How to make Curd Soap: Part 1&2

Hi gals (and guys)! I made a little video series explaining and showing how to make curd soap, or “Kernseife”, as we Germans call it. It’s a great staple to be able to make, as a soaper because you can use it in a wide variety of cleaning products. I’ll post a couple of recipes and examples of how to use curd soap in my next blog post. This one shows you the two different ways on how to make curd soap. Either from rebatch soap or from scratch. Curd Soap from Rebatch Soap:     What you’ll need for […]